- Section 13:1F-1 - Short title
- Section 13:1F-1a - Inapplicability of pesticide control act to certain insect inspections
- Section 13:1F-2 - Legislative findings
- Section 13:1F-3 - Definitions
- Section 13:1F-4 - Powers of commissioner relative to use of pesticides under certain circumstances
- Section 13:1F-4.1 - Rules, regulations relative to application of pesticide products near beehives and beeyards; registration
- Section 13:1F-4.2 - Definitions
- Section 13:1F-4.3 - Rules and regulations, neonicotinoid pesticides
- Section 13:1F-4.4 - Restrictions on neonicotinoid pesticide use
- Section 13:1F-5 - Adoption, amendment or repeal of rule or regulation; notice to interested party of determination
- Section 13:1F-6 - Pesticide control council; creation; members; term of office; compensation
- Section 13:1F-7 - Powers and duties
- Section 13:1F-8 - Advice to commissioner on proposed regulations
- Section 13:1F-9 - Additional powers
- Section 13:1F-10 - Violations, enforcement, remedies
- Section 13:1F-11 - Detained or embargoed pesticide; illegal sale, label, use or application; tag; permission to use
- Section 13:1F-12 - Powers, duties and functions of department under other laws; effect of act
- Section 13:1F-13 - Ordinances, rules or regulations of municipality, county or board of health; effect of act
- Section 13:1F-14 - Construction of act; severability
- Section 13:1F-15 - Pesticide held, used, distributed, sold or offered for sale or delivered for transportation or transported in intrastate commerce; annual registration; renewal; denial, refusal to register or cancellation; grounds
- Section 13:1F-16 - Violations; securement or impoundment; hearing; disposition
- Section 13:1F-17 - Registration fee exemption
- Section 13:1F-18 - Definition
- Section 13:1F-19 - Short title
- Section 13:1F-20 - Findings, declarations relative to the "School Integrated Pest Management Act."
- Section 13:1F-21 - Definitions relative to the "School Integrated Pest Management Act"
- Section 13:1F-22 - Development of model school integrated pest management policy
- Section 13:1F-23 - Designation of integrated pest management coordinator
- Section 13:1F-24 - Maintenance of records of pesticide application; notices of policy
- Section 13:1F-25 - Permitted use of certain pesticides; notice
- Section 13:1F-26 - Posting of sign prior to use of certain pesticides
- Section 13:1F-27 - Applicability of notice and posting requirements
- Section 13:1F-28 - Emergency use of certain pesticides
- Section 13:1F-29 - Prohibited use of certain pesticides
- Section 13:1F-30 - Immunity from liability of commercial pesticide applicator
- Section 13:1F-31 - Development, availability of form for certifying compliance
- Section 13:1F-32 - Issuance of administrative order; notice of violation
- Section 13:1F-33 - Rules, regulations