Chapter 13:13A
- Section 13:13A-1 - Short title
- Section 13:13A-2 - Legislative findings and declarations
- Section 13:13A-3 - Definitions
- Section 13:13A-4 - Designation; maintenance and operation
- Section 13:13A-5 - Preservation, maintenance, development and improvement of park; approval of plans by commission; alteration of facilities; approval
- Section 13:13A-6 - Selection of land sites for acquisition
- Section 13:13A-7 - Entry on lands, waters or premises
- Section 13:13A-8 - Acquisition of lands by gift, devise, purchase or eminent domain; authorization
- Section 13:13A-9 - Hiring or leasing lands to private enterprises
- Section 13:13A-10 - Rules and regulations; powers of employees as peace officers
- Section 13:13A-11 - Delaware and Raritan canal commission
- Section 13:13A-12 - Powers
- Section 13:13A-13 - Master plan for physical development of park; review of State projects, permits
- Section 13:13A-14 - Review zone designated
- Section 13:13A-15 - Annual audit of accounts; employment of accountant