Section 662-A:5 - Approval and ReviewI.Within 10 days of the filing of a preliminary report relative to any redistricting proposal, the town clerk shall file certified copies of the report with the secretary of state. Within 30 days of the receipt of the preliminary report, the secretary of state shall review the redistricting proposal to insure that it is consistent with the principle of one-person, one-vote using the most recent decennial census figures for the town and to insure that no provision of the redistricting of the town is in conflict with the constitution or laws of this state or the United States.II.If the secretary of state approves the preliminary report, the redistricting proposal shall be presented to the voters pursuant to RSA662-A:6 or RSA662-A:7.III.If the secretary of state does not approve, the redistricting proposal shall not be placed on the ballot for voter approval. The secretary of state shall specify objections in writing to the commission within the period of time allowed for review and shall offer recommendations for changes in the redistricting proposal which would correct any inconsistencies in the proposal. Failure to specify objections to a redistricting proposal under this section shall constitute approval by the secretary of state.IV.The commission may seek judicial review of a disapproval of the proposal by the secretary of state in superior court to determine the lawfulness of the decision of the secretary of state. The clerk of the court shall schedule a hearing on any such appeal within 10 days of the filing of the petition. 1997, 312:1, eff. Aug. 20, 1997.