Section 651-B:10 - HearingI. Any offender required to register for an offense committed in another state, country, territory, or tribal territory, or under federal law that is determined to be a reasonably equivalent offense to an offense listed in RSA 651-B:1, V(a) or RSA 651-B:1, VII(a) or (b) may appeal that determination to the commissioner. The offender shall, within 10 days of notification, request a hearing on the matter before the commissioner. If such a request is made, the commissioner shall promptly schedule and conduct a hearing pursuant to rules adopted under RSA 541-A. Either party shall have the right to appeal the commissioner's decision in superior court.II. Any offender required to register for an offense in the state of conviction pursuant to RSA 651-B:1, V(c), RSA 651-B:1, VII(d), or RSA 651-B:1, XI(a)(4) may petition the superior court for a hearing to review the registration requirement. In determining whether the offender should be required to register, the court may consider the facts of underlying the out-of-state conviction, the offender's prior criminal history, the extent to which public safety would be furthered by requiring the offender to register, and any other relevant information. If the court determines that the offender is required to register, the court shall determine whether the offender is required to register as a tier I, tier II, or tier III offender. In determining the appropriate tier, the court shall consider the nature of other offenses that are currently listed in each tier, the seriousness of the offender's offense, the extent to which public safety would be furthered, whether the victim was a minor when the offense occurred, and any other relevant factors. The hearing at which such a determination is made shall comply with due process requirements, including a right to appeal the findings. The court shall provide the defendant an opportunity to be heard on the issue and shall state on the record the reasons for its findings and the reasons for requiring registration.III. Any individual required to be registered as a result of any violation or attempted violation of RSA 632-A:3, II in effect prior to January 1, 2009, or RSA 632-A:2, III if the acts constituting the pattern were in violation of RSA 632-A:3, II in effect prior to January 1, 2009, provided that the age difference between the individual required to register and the victim was less than 4 years at the time of the offense and the person has no other adjudications requiring registration under RSA 651-B:2, may file with the clerk of the superior court for the county in which the judgment was rendered an application for review of the registration requirement. No application shall be granted without a hearing, during which the prosecuting attorney and the victim or victim's family shall have an opportunity to be heard. Notice of the hearing shall be provided no less than 30 days prior to the hearing. The victim may appear personally or through a representative, and may reasonably express his or her views concerning the offense, the offender, and the need for continuing the registration requirement. If the court denies the application, the offender shall not file another application for 5 years from the date of the denial.Amended by 2016 , 197: 3, eff. 6/6/2016. 2003, 316 : 5 . 2008, 334 : 6 . 2009, 306 : 7 , eff. July 31, 2009. 2016, 197 : 3 , eff. June 6, 2016.