Section 99-F:4 - Application ProcessI. At each stage of the application process, a public employer shall grant a preference to an otherwise qualified veteran or disabled veteran who successfully completes an initial application screening and an application examination, or a state employment test administered by the public employer to establish eligibility for a vacant position for state employment.II. For an initial application screening used to develop a list of persons for interviews, the public employer shall add 5 preference points to a veteran's score and 10 preference points to a disabled veteran's score.III. For an application examination, administered after the initial application screening that results in a score, the public employer shall add 5 preference points to a veteran's and 10 preference points to a disabled veteran's total combined examination score without allocating the points to any single feature or part of the examination. The veteran or disabled veteran shall pass the examination with a qualifying score to be eligible to receive the veterans' preference. IV. If a public employer uses an application examination that does not result in a score, the public employer shall devise and apply methods by which it gives special consideration in the hiring decision to veterans and disabled veterans.Added by 2014, 264:2, eff. 7/28/2014. 2014, 264:2, eff. July 28, 2014.