N.H. Rev. Stat. § 100-A:54

Current through the 2024 Legislative
Section 100-A:54 - Miscellaneous Provisions
I. It is the intention of the state of New Hampshire that the New Hampshire retirement system continue to provide medical benefits under RSA 100-A:52 subject to RSA 100-A:55, and that the employer make contributions in such amounts as the board of trustees shall deem necessary and appropriate under RSA 100-A:16 for such purpose. Any forfeitures of a member's interest in the medical benefit accounts as provided under this section prior to any discontinuance of medical benefits by the legislature shall be applied to reduce any subsequent employer contributions made pursuant to this section.
II. The legislature may discontinue contributions under this subdivision with respect to medical benefits provided under RSA 100-A:52 or cease providing such medical benefits for any reason, at any time, in which event the funds allocated to provide such medical benefits, if any remain, shall be used to continue medical benefits to members who were eligible for them under RSA 100-A:52 and 100-A:55 prior to the discontinuance date as long as any funds remain. However, if after the satisfaction of all medical benefits provided under RSA 100-A:52 there remain any funds, the program shall be deemed to be terminated and such remainder shall be returned to the appropriate employer, as defined in RSA 100-A:1, IV, in accordance with section 401(h)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(a) The retirement system shall deduct from the monthly retirement allowance of retired state employees and/or each applicable spouse who are not Medicare eligible and receiving medical and surgical benefits provided pursuant to RSA 21-:30I, a premium contribution amount based on a percentage of the total monthly premium attributable to the applicable retiree and/or spouse, as determined by the commissioner of administrative services, with prior approval by the fiscal committee of the general court provided the percentage is not lower than 20 percent.
(b) The retirement system shall deduct from the monthly retirement allowance of a retired state employee and/or spouse who are eligible for Medicare Parts A and B due to age or disability receiving medical and surgical benefits provided pursuant to RSA 21-:30I, a premium contribution amount based on a percentage of the total monthly premium attributable to the applicable retiree and/or spouse, as determined by the commissioner of administrative services, with prior approval by the fiscal committee of the general court, provided the percentage is not lower than 10 percent. Such premium contribution shall only be collected from eligible state retirees and spouses with a date of birth on or after January 1, 1949.
(c) The department of administrative services shall provide information as to the total monthly premium cost for each participant to the retirement system for purposes of calculating this deduction. Deducted amounts, which shall be in addition to and notwithstanding any amounts payable by the retirement system pursuant to RSA 100-A:52, RSA 100-A:52-a, and RSA 100-A:52-b, shall be deposited in the employee and retiree benefit risk management fund. In the event the retiree's monthly allowance is insufficient to cover the certified contribution amount, the retirement system shall so notify the department of administrative services, which shall invoice and collect from the retiree and/or each applicable spouse the remaining contribution amount. Failure to remit payment of the contribution amount in full within 30 days of billing shall be grounds for terminating benefits, effective from the beginning of the billing period. The retiree and his or her dependents may reenroll in the plan with new coverage effective the first of the month following completion of reenrollment forms. The department of administrative services shall provide notice of the termination of benefits as provided in RSA 21-:30, XI.

RSA 100-A:54

Amended by 2022 , 94: 3, eff. 7/19/2022.
Amended by 2017 , 156: 8, eff. 1/1/2018.
Amended by 2015 , 276: 15, eff. 7/1/2015.
Amended by 2012 , 175: 3, eff. 7/1/2012.
Amended by 2011 , 242: 2, eff. 7/1/2011.
Amended by 2011 , 224: 342, eff. 7/1/2011.

1988, 191:5, eff. July 1, 1988. 2009, 144:54, eff. July 1, 2009.