The governor on behalf of the state is authorized to enter into a compact with any 2 or more of the states of Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as follows:
The northeastern part of the United States is by virtue of geographic location and other characteristics a great natural resource area which, with more intense use of natural resources, increasingly requires coordinated planning as a basic ingredient of effective resource management and orderly growth of the region. The work of the New England-New York Interagency Committee demonstrated that a continuation and furtherance of activities such as those undertaken by it would be of great value. To this end, it is the intent of this compact to establish and provide for the operation of a joint agency for the northeast.
It is the purpose of this compact to provide, in the northeastern region, improved facilities and procedures for the coordination of the policies, programs, and activities of the United States, the several states, and private persons or entities in the field of water and related land resources, and to study, investigate, and plan the development and use of the same and conservation of such water and related land resources; to provide means by which conflicts may be resolved; to provide procedures for coordination of the interests of all public and private agencies, persons and entities in the field of water and related land resources; and to provide an organization for cooperation in such coordination on both the federal and state levels of government.
There is created the Northeastern Resources Commission, hereinafter called the commission.
The commission shall consist of one member from each party state to be appointed and to serve, in accordance with and subject to the laws of the state which he represents, and 7 members representing departments or agencies of the United States having principal responsibilities for water and related land resources development to be appointed and to serve in such manner as may be provided by the laws of the United States.
It shall be the responsibility of the commission to recommend to the states and the United States, or any intergovernmental agency, changes in law or policy which would promote coordination, or resolution of problems, in the field of water and related land resources. The efforts of the commission in coordination of work and resolution of conflicts may be directed towards all state and federal activities involved in water and related land resources development responsibilities and shall include coordination of the following:
The commission shall use qualified public and private agencies to make investigations and conduct research in the field of water and related land resources, but if it is unable to secure the undertaking of such investigations or original research by a qualified public or private agency, it shall have the power to make its own investigations and conduct its own research. The commission may make contracts with any public or private agencies or private persons or entities for the undertaking of such investigations, or original research within its purview.
No action of the commission respecting the internal management of the commission shall be binding unless taken at a meeting at which a majority of the members are present and vote in favor of such action; provided that any action not binding for such a reason may be ratified within 30 days by the concurrence in writing of a majority of the commission membership. No action of the commission respecting a matter other than its internal management shall be binding unless taken at a meeting at which a majority of the state members and a majority of the members representing the United States are present and a majority of said state members together with a majority of said members representing the United States vote in favor of such action; provided that any action not binding for such a reason may be ratified within 30 days by the concurrence in writing of a majority of the state members and the concurrence in writing of a majority of the members representing the United States.
With due allowance for monies otherwise available, each budget of the commission shall be the responsibility of the party states, to be apportioned among them on a weighted formula based 50 percent on population and 50 percent on gross land area, such population and gross land area to be determined in accordance with the last official United States Census of Population, but provided that the total contributions of all of the states shall not be required to exceed $50,000 annually and provided further that regardless of the number of states party to the compact at any time the maximum annual contribution required of any state shall not exceed its share of the $50,000 as determined above. Any state may contribute such funds in excess of its share, as determined above, as it may desire.
Nothing in this compact shall be construed to impair, or otherwise affect, the jurisdiction of any interstate agency in which any party state participates nor to abridge, impair, or otherwise affect the provisions of any compact to which any one or more of the party states may be a party, nor to supersede, diminish, or otherwise affect any obligation assumed under any such compact. Nor shall anything in this compact be construed to discourage additional interstate compacts among some or all of the party states for the management of natural resources, or the coordination of activities with respect to a specific natural resource or any aspect of natural resource management, or for the establishment of intergovernmental planning agencies in sub-areas of the region. Nothing in this compact shall be construed to limit the jurisdiction or activities of any participating government, agency, or officer thereof or any private person or agency.
This compact shall continue in force and remain binding upon each party state until renounced by it. Renunciation of this compact must be preceded by sending 3 years' notice in writing of intention to withdraw from the compact to the governor of each of the other states party to this compact and to such officers or agencies of the United States as may be designated by federal law.
The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to be unconstitutional or the applicability thereof, to any state, agency, person, or circumstance is held invalid, the constitutionality of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any other state, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. It is the legislative intent that the provisions of this compact be reasonably and liberally construed.
RSA 484:13
1989, 339:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1990.