Section 78-A:13 - AppealsII. Upon the filing of an appeal, the board of tax and land appeals or the court, as the case may be, shall issue a summons requiring the commissioner to file with the court a certified copy of the record in the proceeding together with such of the evidence introduced before or considered by the commissioner as may be specified by any party in interest as well as such other evidence, so introduced and considered, as the commissioner wishes to specify, together with the originals or copies of all exhibits introduced in evidence before the commissioner.III. The board of tax and land appeals or the court shall take from the appellant a bond or recognizance to the state, with surety, to prosecute the appeal to completion and to comply with the orders and decrees of a court in the premises. The board or court may also require the appellant to provide a bond running to the state with surety in a sum fixed by the court conditioned upon the payment of taxes found to be due and to become due during the pendency of the appeal. Such appeals shall be preferred cases for hearing on the docket of the board or the court. The board or the court may grant such relief as may be just and equitable and may order the state treasurer to pay to the aggrieved person the amount of the relief granted with interest at the rate established under RSA 21-J:28. Upon all appeals which are denied, costs may be taxed against the appellant at the discretion of the board or the court; but the board or court may not tax costs against the state.Amended by 2014, 204:3, eff. 7/11/2014.1967, 213:1; 409:6. 1969, 287:23, 24. 1973, 544:14, VI. 1977, 574:4. 1983, 394:9. 1991, 163:43, XXII, eff. May 27, 1991. 2014, 204:3, eff. July 11, 2014.