N.H. Rev. Stat. § 447:5
Current through the 2024 Legislative
If a person shall perform labor, provide professional design services as defined in RSA 447:2, or furnish materials to the amount of $15 or more for any of the purposes specified in RSA 447:2, 447:3 and 447:4 and in RSA 453, by virtue of a contract with an agent, contractor or subcontractor of the owner, the person shall have the same lien as provided in said sections, provided, that he or she gives notice in writing to the owner or to the person having charge of the property that he or she shall claim such lien before performing the labor or furnishing the material for which it is claimed.
RSA 447:5
1871, 1:1, 2. GL 139:15, 16. PS 141:13. 1911, 116:1. PL 217 :15. RL 264:15. 1951, 6:1, eff. Feb. 15, 1951. 2012, 158:2, eff. Jan. 1, 2013.