Section 422:19 - Purchase or Transfer of AirportsI. All registered privately-owned airports open to the public within the state offered for sale by an owner after July 2, 1989, shall be offered for sale to the state of New Hampshire in the first instance. The state of New Hampshire, acting through the commissioner with the approval of governor and council and the long range capital planning and utilization committee, shall have a right to match any verifiable bona fide offer made for such airports within the limits of funds available to the director for this purpose. The state shall have 90 days from the date of notification by owner that said airport is for sale to serve notice of intent to acquire under this section and to notify the long range capital planning and utilization committee.II. Airports purchased under this section shall be held and maintained as airports in the statewide airport system and shall be offered for sale or transfer to a local municipality, county, or airport authority. If the state is unable to sell or transfer an airport to a local municipality, county, or airport authority within 5 years, the property shall be offered for sale or lease to any party for any purpose.III. The commissioner shall request and maintain through the budget process, bonding authority in the amount of $5,000,000 for purchase of airports or option to purchase in accordance with this chapter.IV. The state of New Hampshire, acting through the director, with the approval of the commissioner, shall present a request for a proposed purchase under this section or a public taking under RSA 4:29, to the long range capital planning and utilization committee for its approval.V. The long range capital planning and utilization committee shall have 30 days after receipt of the request to render its decision on an airport acquisition. VI. After approval of an airport acquisition by the long range capital planning and utilization committee, the commissioner shall seek final approval of the airport acquisition from the governor and executive council. As part of the approval process, the executive council shall hold a public hearing, within 30 days after approval by the long range capital planning and utilization committee, or comment in the municipality where the airport facility is located and shall render a decision within 30 days after the hearing. 2002, 6:1, eff. July 1, 2002. 2004, 28:1, eff. April 23, 2004.