Section 415-J:3 - Coverage for Telemedicine ServicesI. It is the intent of the general court to recognize the application of telemedicine for covered services provided within the scope of practice of a physician or other health care provider as a method of delivery of medical care by which an individual at an originating site shall receive medical services which are clinically appropriate for delivery through telemedicine from a health care provider at a distant site without in-person contact with the provider. For the purposes of this chapter, covered services include remote patient monitoring and store and forward.II. An insurer offering a health plan in this state may not deny coverage on the sole basis that the coverage is provided through telemedicine if the health care service would be covered if it were provided through in-person consultation between the covered person and a health care provider.III. An insurer offering a health plan in this state shall provide coverage and reimbursement for health care services provided through telemedicine on the same basis as the insurer provides coverage and reimbursement for health care services provided in person.IV. An insurer shall provide reasonable compensation to an originating site operated by a health care provider or a licensed health care facility if the health care provider or licensed health care facility is authorized to bill the insurer directly for health care services. In the event of a dispute between a provider and an insurance carrier relative to the reasonable compensation under this section, the insurance commissioner shall have exclusive jurisdiction under RSA 420-J:8-e to determine if the compensation is commercially reasonable. The provider and the insurance carrier shall each make best efforts to resolve any dispute prior to applying to the insurance commissioner for resolution, which shall include presenting to the other party evidence supporting its contention that the compensation level it is proposing is commercially reasonable.V. The combined amount of reimbursement that a health benefit plan allows for the compensation to the distant site and the originating site shall be the same as the total amount allowed for health care services provided in person.VI. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit an insurer from paying reasonable compensation to a provider at a distant site in addition to a fee paid to the health care provider.VII. If an insurer excludes a health care service from its in-person reimbursable service, then comparable services shall not be reimbursable as a telemedicine service.VIII. An insurer shall not impose on coverage for health care services provided through telemedicine any additional benefit plan limitations to include annual or lifetime dollar maximums on coverage, deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, benefit limitation or maximum benefits that are not equally imposed upon similar services provided in-person.IX. Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow an insurer to reimburse more for a health care service provided through telemedicine than would have been reimbursed if the health care service was provided in person.X. There shall be no restriction on eligible originating or distant sites for telehealth services. An originating site means the location of the member at the time the service is being furnished via a telecommunication system. A distant site means the location of the provider at the time the service is being furnished via a telecommunication system.XI. An insurer shall provide reimbursement for all modes of telehealth, including video and audio, audio-only, or other electronic media provided by medical providers to treat all members for all medically necessary services.XII. The following medical providers shall be allowed to perform health care services through the use of all modes of telehealth, including video and audio, audio-only, or other electronic media. Medical providers include, but are not limited to: (a) Physicians and physician assistants, under RSA 329 and RSA 328-D;(b) Advanced practice nurses, under RSA 326-B and registered nurses under RSA 326-B employed by home health care providers under RSA 151:2-b;(c) Midwives, under RSA 326-D;(d) Psychologists, under RSA 329-B;(e) Allied health professionals, under RSA 328-F;(f) Dentists, under RSA 317-A;(g) Mental health practitioners governed by RSA 330-A;(h) Community mental health providers employed by community mental health programs pursuant to RSA 135-C:7;(i) Alcohol and other drug use professionals, governed by RSA 330-C;(j) Dietitians, governed by RSA 326-H; and(k) Professionals certified by the national behavior analyst certification board or persons performing services under the supervision of a person certified by the national behavior analyst certification board as required by RSA 417-E:2.XIII. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit an insurer from providing coverage for only those services that are medically necessary and subject to the terms and conditions of the covered person's policy.Amended by 2020 , 27: 3, eff. 9/19/2020.Amended by 2019 , 321: 4, eff. 1/1/2020.Amended by 2018 , 267: 3, eff. 8/17/2018. 2009, 259 : 1 , eff. Oct. 14, 2009. 2018, 267 : 3 , eff. Aug. 17, 2018. 2019, 321 : 4 , eff. Jan. 1, 2020. 2020, 27 : 3 , eff. Sept. 19, 2020.