Section 415-E:13 - Suspension, Revocation of ApprovalI. Subject to other provisions in this chapter, the commissioner shall deny, suspend, or revoke an arrangement's approval if it finds that the arrangement: (a) Has failed to meet the financial requirements of this chapter, RSA 420-G, or has violated any lawful order or rules.(b) Has refused to be examined or to produce its accounts, records and files for examination, or if any of its officers has refused to give information with respect to its affairs or to perform any other legal obligation as to such examination, when required by the commissioner.(c) Has failed to pay any final judgment rendered against it in this state within 60 days after the judgment became final.(d) No longer meets the requirements for the authority originally granted.II. The commissioner may, in his discretion, deny, suspend, or revoke the approval of any arrangement if it finds that the arrangement:(a) Has violated any lawful order or rule of the commissioner, provision of this chapter, RSA 420-J, or relevant provision of RSA 161-H.(b) Has refused to be examined or to produce its accounts, records, and files for examination, or if any of its officers have refused to give information with respect to its affairs or to perform any other legal obligation as to such examination, when required by the commissioner.III. The commissioner shall not grant or continue approval until such time as the arrangement replaces any trustee found by the commissioner, upon the presentation of sufficient evidence: (b) To be guilty of, or to have pled guilty or no contest to a felony, or a crime involving moral turpitude;(c) To have had any type of insurance license revoked in this or any other state; or(d) To have improperly manipulated assets, accounts, or specific excess insurance or to have otherwise acted in bad faith.IV. To qualify for and retain approval to transact business, an arrangement shall make all contracts with administrators or service companies available for inspection by the department initially, and thereafter upon reasonable notice.V. Failure to maintain compliance with applicable eligibility or filing requirements established by this section shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of approval of an arrangement, provided, however, that such arrangement shall have 60 days after notification by the commissioner to take such action necessary to correct the deficiency.Amended by 2019 , 346: 407, eff. 12/1/2022. 1991, 246:1. 1994, 214:6. 1997, 344:4, eff. July 1, 1997; 345:2, eff. Jan. 1, 1998.