Section 326-B:41 - Unlawful Acts It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to:
I. Sell or fraudulently obtain or furnish any nursing diploma, license, or record, or to aid and abet in such an act. II. Practice as a licensee without a license or when the license to do so has been revoked or suspended or when the license to do so has lapsed.III. Use, in connection with the individual's name, any designation tending to imply licensure as an RN, an LPN, or an LNA unless so licensed.IV. Represent or imply that the person or entity is conducting a nursing education program or a program for the education of nursing assistants which has been approved by the board when the program has not been so approved.V. Disclose, solicit, or compile information regarding the contents of any licensing examinations relative to this chapter, except as authorized by the board. 2005, 293:1. 2006, 76:7, eff. July 1, 2006.