I. There shall be a board of registration of funeral directors and embalmers consisting of 5 members, including 4 funeral directors or embalmers and one public member, appointed by the governor, with the approval of the council, to serve terms of 5 years. No member of the board shall be appointed to more than 2 consecutive terms.II. Professional members of the board shall: (a) Be residents of this state;(b) Have at least 5 years' practical experience in funeral directing or embalming; and(c) Have been engaged in funeral directing or embalming within the state for at least 5 years.III. The public members of the board shall be persons who are not, and never were, members of the regulated profession or the spouse of any such person, and who do not have, and never have had, a material financial interest in either the provision of mortuary services or an activity directly related to funeral directing or embalming, including the representation of the board or profession for a fee at any time during the 5 years preceding appointment.Amended by 2021, 197:50, eff. 7/1/2021.Amended by 2015, 276:108, eff. 7/1/2015.1935, 95:1. RL 168:2. RSA 325:2. 1973, 366:1. 1981, 487:3. 1983, 291:1. 1985, 416:6. 1987, 134:3. 1995, 310:182. 2010, 118:7. 2015, 276:108, XIX, eff. July 1, 2015. 2021, 197:50, eff. July 1, 2021.