N.H. Rev. Stat. § 316-A:27
The confidential relations and communications between any person licensed under provisions of this chapter and such licensed person's patient are placed on the same basis as those provided by law between attorney and client, and, except as otherwise provided by law, no such doctor of chiropractic shall be required to disclose such privileged communications. Confidential relations and communications between a patient and any person working under the supervision of a doctor of chiropractic that are customary and necessary for diagnosis and treatment are privileged to the same extent as though those relations or communications were with such supervising doctor of chiropractic. This section shall not apply to disciplinary hearings or actions conducted under RSA 316-A:22, relative to the board of chiropractic examiners, RSA 326-B, relative to the board of nursing, RSA 151-A:11, relative to the board of examiners of nursing home administrators, or any other statutorily created medical occupational licensing board conducting disciplinary proceedings. This section shall not apply to hearings conducted pursuant to RSA 135-C:27-54.
RSA 316-A:27
1992, 93:1. 1995, 132:11. 2005, 293 : 5 , eff. July 1, 2005 at 12:01 a.m.