Section 310-A:98 - General ProvisionsI. It shall be a class B misdemeanor for any person to practice for compensation or offer to practice for compensation in this state, the profession of forestry, as defined in this subdivision, or to use in connection with a name or otherwise assume, use, or advertise any title or description tending to convey the impression that such person is a forester, unless such person has been duly licensed or is exempt from licensing under the provisions of this subdivision.II. Nothing in this subdivision, however, shall be construed as requiring any person, business organization, state university, department or agency of any branch of government to be licensed pursuant to this subdivision in order to practice forestry on their own lands. III. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed as requiring any person to be licensed pursuant to this subdivision in order to carry out forest practices as an employee of a licensed forester and acting under the direct supervision of such licensed forester. IV. Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring any person to be licensed under this subdivision if that person is engaged in activities incidental to the practice of forestry as defined in RSA 310-A:99, III, provided, however, that such person does not represent that the person is a forester as defined in RSA 310-A:99, I. Such incidental activities shall include: timber harvesting, agriculture, wildlife management, land use planning, arboriculture, procurement of forest resources to supply concerns dependent on those forest resources, and any other activity or occupation determined by the board to be incidental to the practice of forestry.