Section 309-B:5 - Qualifications for a Certificate as a Certified Public AccountantI. The certificate of "certified public accountant" shall be granted to persons of good character who meet the education, experience, and examination requirements of this section, who make application therefor pursuant to RSA 309-B:7, and who pay the fees prescribed by the office of professional licensure and certification.II. Good character for purposes of this section means the lack of a history of dishonest or felonious acts.III. The education requirements for a certificate shall be as follows: (a) Until January 1, 2005, a baccalaureate degree or its equivalent conferred by a college or university acceptable to the board, with an accounting concentration or equivalent as determined by board rule to be appropriate.(b) After January 1, 2005 and until June 30, 2014, at least 120 semester hours of college education including a baccalaureate or higher degree conferred by a college or university acceptable to the board, the total educational program to include an accounting concentration or equivalent as determined by board rule to be appropriate; provided however, that candidates for a certificate may sit for the examination described in paragraph IV if they have at least 120 semester hours of college education including a baccalaureate degree conferred by a college or university acceptable to the board, the total educational program to include an accounting concentration or equivalent as determined by board rule to be appropriate.(c) On or after July 1, 2014, at least 150 semester hours of college education including a baccalaureate or higher degree conferred by a college or university acceptable to the board, the total educational program to include an accounting concentration or equivalent as determined by board rule to be appropriate; provided however, that candidates for a certificate may sit for the examination described in paragraph IV if they have at least 120 semester hours of college education including a baccalaureate degree conferred by a college or university acceptable to the board the total educational program to include an accounting concentration or equivalent as determined by board rule to be appropriate. The applicant's degree shall include 30 semester hours of accounting courses. The accounting credits shall include coverage in financial accounting auditing, taxation, and management accounting. In addition, the degree shall include, or be supplemented by, 24 semester hours of business courses other than accounting courses. These business courses may include, but not be limited to, coverage in the areas of business law, business information systems, finance, professional ethics, business organizations, and economics.IV. The examination required to be passed as a condition for the granting of a certificate shall test the applicant's knowledge of the subjects of accounting and auditing and such other related subjects as the board may specify by rule. The board shall prescribe by rule the methods of conducting the examination, including methods for grading papers and determining a passing grade required of an applicant for a certificate, provided, however, that the board shall, to the extent possible, see to it that the examination itself, the grading of the examination and the passing grades are uniform with those applicable in all other states. The board may make such use of all or any part of the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination and Advisory Grading Service of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and may contract with third parties through the office to perform such administrative services with respect to the examination as it deems appropriate to assist it in performing its duties under this section.V. An applicant shall be required to pass all sections of the examination provided for in paragraph IV in order to qualify for a certificate. A passing grade for each section shall be 75. The applicant shall pass all sections of the examination within a time period established by the board, in accordance with rules adopted by the board pursuant to RSA 309-B:4, VI and RSA 309-B:5, IV.VI. An applicant shall be given credit for any and all sections of an examination passed in another state if such credit would have been given, under applicable requirements at that time, had the applicant taken the examination in this state.VII. The board may in particular cases waive or defer any of the requirements of paragraphs V and VI regarding the circumstances in which the various sections of the examination must be passed, upon a showing that, by reason of circumstances beyond the applicant's control, the applicant was unable to meet such requirement.VIII. The office may charge, or provide for a third party administering the examination to charge, each applicant a fee in an amount prescribed by the office by rule, for each section of the examination or reexamination taken by the applicant.IX. The experience requirement shall consist of public accounting experience in providing one or more kinds of services involving the use of accounting or auditing skills, including the issuance of reports on financial statements, or one or more kinds of management advisory, financial advisory, or consulting services, or the preparation of tax returns or the furnishing of advice on tax matters, or the equivalent, all of which was under the direction of a licensee in any state in practice as a certified public accountant or as a public accountant, or in any state in employment as a staff accountant by a certified public accountant or anyone practicing public accounting, or a combination of either of such types of experience and for the following periods of time:(a) Until June 30, 2014, 2 years for a candidate with a 4-year college degree, or the equivalent, and one year for a candidate holding a master's degree in accounting, taxation, finance, or business administration.(b) On or after July 1, 2014, one year.X. Experience obtained in the employment of a governmental agency for the periods of time provided in paragraph IX in the following areas shall be accepted by the office as qualifying experience under this section: (a) In auditing the tax returns or books and accounts of nongovernmental entities in 3 or more distinct lines of commercial or industrial business in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards under the direction of a licensee; or(b) In auditing the books and accounts or activities of 3 or more governmental agencies or distinct organizational units in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards under the direction of a licensee and reporting on their operations to a third party, to the Congress, or to a state legislature; or(c) In reviewing financial statements and supporting material covering the financial condition and operations of nongovernmental entities engaged in 3 or more distinct lines of commercial or industrial business under the direction of a licensee to determine the reliability and fairness of the financial reporting and compliance with generally accepted accounting principles and applicable government regulations for the protection of investors and consumers.Amended by 2024, 327:158, eff. 7/1/2024.Amended by 2024, 313:3, eff. 1/1/2025.Amended by 2014 , 174: 1, eff. 9/9/2014.1999, 236:1. 2004, 23 : 1 . 2009, 155 : 6 -8, 17. 2014, 174 : 1 , eff. Sept. 9, 2014.