Section 41:9-a - Establishment of FeesI. A town may, by majority vote at any annual or special meeting, authorize the board of selectmen to establish or amend fees, as provided in this section. Such a vote shall continue in effect until rescinded.II. Following such vote, the board of selectmen, without further vote of the town, may establish or amend fees or charges for the following purposes: (a) The issuance of any license or permit which is part of a regulatory program which has been established by vote of the town.(b) The use or occupancy of any public revenue-producing facility, as defined in RSA 33-B:1, VI, the establishment of which has been authorized by vote of the town.III. Such fees or charges shall not exceed, in the case of licenses or permits, an amount reasonably calculated to cover the town's regulatory, administrative and enforcement costs.IV. Prior to the establishment or amendment of any such fees, the selectmen shall hold a public hearing, notice for which shall be given at least 7 days prior to the hearing by posting in 2 public places in the town and by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the town. The notice shall include the proposed schedule of fees.V. This section shall not be deemed to prohibit a town from delegating authority over specific fees to another official or official body of the town. This section shall not supersede other provisions of law concerning the establishment or amount of specific types of fees.1989, 38:1, eff. June 11, 1989.