Section 287-D:4-a - Games Of Chance For The Benefit Of The Host CommunityI. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, game operator employers licensed under RSA 287-D:4 are required to annually operate a minimum of 7 but not more than 10 game dates for the benefit of the town or city where the game operator employer is located.II. The host town or city shall receive revenue at the same rate as a licensed charity during the designated dates under paragraph I, and shall not be liable for rent or any other fees to be paid to the game operator employer.III. The game dates benefiting the host municipality shall be in place of a charity game date, however, this shall not prevent the game operator employer from hosting a charity on the same game dates when 2 charities would normally operate.IV. For the purposes of the game operator employer's requirements under RSA 287-D:4, operating on behalf of the host town or city shall be considered to be the same as hosting a licensed charity.V. The lottery commission shall adopt rules under RSA 287-D:3 relating to the operation of game dates on behalf of the host town or city.Added by 2024, 28:5, eff. 5/20/2024.