- Section 231:139 - Tree Wardens
- Section 231:140 - Control of Trees
- Section 231:141 - Acquisition of Trees
- Section 231:142 - Records of Trees Acquired
- Section 231:143 - Appropriation
- Section 231:144 - Removal of Trees
- Section 231:145 - Removal of Certain Hazardous Trees
- Section 231:146 - Notice
- Section 231:147 - Injury or Defacement of Trees
- Section 231:148 - Trees Donated
- Section 231:149 - Public Ownership
- Section 231:150 - Clearing Highways
- Section 231:151 - Improvements by Abutter
- Section 231:152 - Burning Brush
- Section 231:153 - Disposal of Brush
- Section 231:154 - Taking Tree Rights
- Section 231:155 - State Supervision
- Section 231:156 - Penalty