Any person who sustains damages by the discontinuance of a highway, or by the discontinuance as an open highway and made subject to gates and bars, by vote of the town, and from which no appeal has been taken, may petition for the assessment of damages to the superior court in the county in which the highway is situate within 6 months after the town has voted such discontinuance, and not thereafter, and like proceedings shall be had as in the case of appeals in the laying out of class IV, V and VI highways.
RSA 231:49
RS 54:3. CS 58:3. GS 65:4. GL 71:4. PS 72:4. 1903, 14:3. PL 79 :4. RL 95:4. 1975, 188:1, part 9:5. RSA 238:5. 1981, 87:1, eff. April 20, 1981.