Section 227-C:9 - Directive for Cooperation in the Protection of Historic ResourcesI.All state agencies, departments, commissions, and institutions shall fully cooperate with the division in the location, identification, evaluation and management of historic resources, and to that end shall provide the division with appropriate information on all state licensed, assisted, or contracted projects, activities, or programs so that the division may determine the effect of such undertakings on historic resources.II.Upon a recommendation of the division that historic resources may be adversely affected, the commissioner shall conduct, or cause to be conducted, any necessary field investigations, subject to personnel and budgetary limitations. State agencies, departments, commissions, and institutions are authorized and encouraged to expend project funds or appropriated moneys for these field investigations.III.When preparing to sell or transfer real property under its jurisdiction which is expected to have historic resources, or is known to have historic resources, the state, its agencies, departments, commissions, institutions and political subdivisions shall, upon a recommendation of the commissioner: (a) Condition the sale or transfer upon such covenants, deed restrictions, or other contractual arrangements as shall protect the historic resources for future generations.(b) Reserve such property from sale or transfer, provided that the reservation of such lands from sale or transfer may be confined to the actual location of the historic resources.(c) Defer sale or transfer of such property for the purpose of conducting field investigations, including salvage mitigation if necessary, and until the lands are released for sale or transfer by the commissioner. 1981, 504:5. 1985, 345:3.