Section 216-I:6 - Eviction and Remedial ActionI.All recreational campground or camping park owners or operators or their agents may remove or cause to be removed from such recreational campground or camping park any person remaining in a recreational campground or camping park in violation of this chapter by notifying such person that the establishment no longer desires to entertain him and requesting that he immediately leave. Any person who remains or attempts to remain after being so requested to leave shall be guilty of a violation.II.All recreational campground or camping park owners or operators or their agents may remove, or cause to be removed by a law enforcement officer of this state, any person refusing to pay registration or visitors' fees, any person who willfully denies other persons their right to quiet enjoyment of their recreational use of such facilities, or any person who violates any local or state law. The right to remove or cause to be removed shall arise after the recreational campground or camping park owner or operator, or their agent, makes a reasonable attempt to verbally warn the person to cease and desist the breach of quiet enjoyment or violation of local or state law. Following eviction, said person may make written request to the owner or operator or their agent of such recreational campground or camping park within 30 days for the refund of the unused portion of his prepaid campsite rental or visitor fee. Upon such a request, such owner or operator shall refund such unused portion of the fees, less any amount deducted to pay for damages.III.Any law enforcement officer of this state, upon request of a recreational campground or camping park owner or operator or their agent, shall place under arrest and take into custody any person who violates this section in the presence of the officer. Upon arrest, the person shall be deemed to have abandoned his right of use of the recreational campground or camping park and the owner or operator or their agent may then make such campsite available to other persons. The owner or operator or their agent of a recreational campground or camping park shall employ all reasonable means to protect any personal property left in storage at the recreational campground or camping park. 1989, 343:1, eff. June 2, 1989.