Section 215-C:58 - Snowmobile Program Advisory CommissionI. The state of New Hampshire contains approximately 7,000 miles of publicly available snowmobile trails. The development and maintenance of this trail network is predominantly done by volunteer not-for-profit snowmobile clubs, utilizing a combination of public and private lands. Funding for trail development, maintenance and purchasing of trail grooming equipment is provided by registration fees of snowmobiles. The rising costs of trail maintenance equipment and materials for trail development continue to rise and concerns for future management and existence of the trail system increase each year. The financial viability of these trails, and the local clubs, is vital to the positive economic impacts this sport has to the state.II. There is hereby established the snowmobile program advisory commission. The advisory commission shall be comprised of the following members: (a) One member of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate.(b) Two members of the house of representatives, one of whom shall be from the transportation committee and one of whom shall be from the resources, recreation and development committee, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.(c) The commissioner of the department of business and economic affairs, or designee.(d) The executive director of the fish and game department, or designee.(e) The chief supervisor of the bureau of trails, department of natural and cultural resources.(f) One member of the New Hampshire Snowmobile Association, appointed by the association.(g) One member of the New Hampshire Auto Dealers Association, appointed by the association.(h) One member from the New Hampshire Hotel, Lodging and Restaurant Association, appointed by the association.III. The advisory commission shall:(a) Study the impacts of the snowmobile registration fee increase, which takes effect on May 1, 2020, on resident and non-resident registrations in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine, independent of the correlation of snowfall on the registrations.(b) Study all existing and projected costs associated with the operation and maintenance of the New Hampshire snowmobile trail system and determine whether further registration fee adjustments, which were approved in SB 187 in the 2019 legislative session, continue to be warranted, and if not, to recommend new legislation to address such issues identified.(c) Study whether partial state funding of the snowmobile trail system is necessary or prudent to maintain a registration fee advantage over surrounding states, and to mitigate, to the maximum extent possible, potential loss of participation by resident snowmobile registrants due to possible higher registration fees.(d) Determine if partial state funding is necessary or prudent, recommend whether additional sources funding are necessary, and determine for how long such additional sources of funding would be necessary.(e) Review and make recommendations about the existing snowmobile grant-in-aid program.(f) Study any other issues the commission deems relevant to the long-term sustainability of the snowmobile industry and trails in New Hampshire.(g) Solicit input from, but not limited to, registration agents, snowmobile clubs, snowmobile dealers, landowners that permit public trails on their lands, general snowmobile riding public and public agencies.IV. The commissioner of the department of business and economic affairs shall be the chairperson of the advisory commission. The vice chairperson shall be one of the legislative members of the advisory commission. Five members of the advisory commission shall constitute a quorum.V. The chairperson of the advisory commission shall call the first meeting within 90 days of the effective date of this section.VI. The advisory commission shall issue an interim report on or before November 1, 2021 and a final report on or before November 1, 2022 to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the governor.Repealed by 2019 , 241: 12, eff. 11/1/2022.Added by 2019 , 241: 11, eff. 7/16/2019.