Section 209:12-a - Wild TurkeyI. The executive director shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to: (a) Establishing seasons and bag limits, and issuing wild turkey permits.(b) Establishing registration stations and registration agent fees for wild turkey.(c) Specifying the methods for taking and registering wild turkeys.(d) The enhancement, protection, and propagation of wild turkeys.II. No person shall possess at any time any wild turkey, or part thereof, which has not been legally registered pursuant to this section. This paragraph shall not apply to the possession of a wild turkey between the time a person kills it and the time the wild turkey is presented at a registration station.III. In addition to wild turkey licenses and permits issued under RSA 214:9, XI, the executive director, with the consent of the commission, may adopt rules under RSA 541-A, relative to issuing permits for a special season for wild turkey, including bag limits, fees for applications and permits, and the establishment of a lottery for awarding the special permits.1977, 459:1. 1979, 54:1. 1997, 9:3. 2005, 143 : 2 , eff. July 1, 2005.