Section 206:4-b - Prohibited Acts; ComplaintI. No member of the fish and game commission may be engaged or involved in any personnel matters of the department, including the hiring, disciplining, firing, promoting, evaluating, transferring, and any other matters associated with the classified employees of the department.II. If a complaint is made by any person against a commissioner for violation of paragraph I, the complaint shall be filed with the chair. If the complaint is against the chair, it shall be filed with the vice-chair. The commission shall hold a hearing on the complaint. All hearings, deliberations, and votes by the commission under this paragraph shall be made with a quorum of members present and shall be in public session, provided that the member who is the subject of the complaint shall not participate. Upon a finding of a violation of paragraph I, the commission shall make a recommendation to governor and council for appropriate disciplinary action. The commission may also, upon a determination that a violation does not rise to a level requiring such a recommendation to governor and council, issue a public reprimand detailing the commission's findings.III. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a commissioner from forwarding a citizen complaint or commendation relative to a classified employee to the executive director and the chairman of the commission. 2004, 70:1, eff. July 6, 2004.