Section 201-A:25 - Powers and Duties of State Librarian The state librarian, in addition to any other powers and duties which are delegated to the state librarian, and in order to further the purposes of this subdivision, shall have the following powers and duties:
I. To establish specific objectives and definitive policies designed to guide the development of electronic data processing systems, procedures, and techniques for a statewide information network under RSA 201-A:23 involving libraries and state agencies.II. To adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to the functioning and maintenance of the system and the definition and accreditation of each regional system established under RSA 201-A:22.III. To develop policies and plans which fully recognize the interrelationships and impact of state activities on local governments and on agencies of the federal government, and which represent the best interests of all New Hampshire's citizens.IV. To develop policies and plans which will enhance the use of electronic data processing for resources management of books, documents, and other materials within state government and among all New Hampshire libraries which encompass both short-term and long-range needs, and which shall be continually updated.V. To ensure that the policies and goals stated in paragraphs I, II and III provide for the: (a) Optimum utilization of electronic information processing equipment.(b) Adherence to standards ensuring appropriate compatibility of systems and interchange of data and information.(c) Proper management controls to ensure the most efficient, effective, and economical use of the state's information resources and electronic data processing.VI. To encourage distributed data processing so that a portion of the computing capability and data of the system is located as close to the user as is practical, while at the same time retaining the ability to consolidate and share this information with other state agencies through data communications network facilities.VII. To ensure that goals such as the collection of data, minimum duplication of records, and maximum availability of information at lowest overall cost will not jeopardize or compromise the confidentiality of information as provided by statute or the protection of the right of individual privacy as established by law.VIII. To take advantage of, apply for, and receive any and all assistance, information, research, investigations, surveys, grants, appropriations, or allocations of funds, state or federal, made available for the center or any related or allocated purposes from any source.IX. Execute any agreements which may be required under this section, subject to the provisions of RSA 4:15.X. Cooperate or undertake joint activities or programs with any organization or government, including their agencies or subdivisions, pertaining to the purposes of this subdivision.XI. Prepare and submit plans, reports, applications, and specifications to appropriate agencies or bodies.XII. Employ and fix the compensation and duties of any personnel, required by the provisions of this subdivision.XIII. Administer and direct any programs, plans, or projects connected with any of the provisions of this subdivision.1983, 271:1. 1985, 268:24. 1989, 35:22. 1990, 73:1. 1992, 51:8. 1995, 33:5, eff. April 24, 1995.