Section 200:11-a - Investigation of Air QualityI. The school principal, or designee shall annually investigate the air quality of any schoolhouse or building used for school purposes and report the findings by completing a survey provided by the department of education. The survey shall be established in rules adopted by the state board of education pursuant to RSA 541-A. The purpose of the investigation shall be to consider physical factors that can influence the air quality within the schoolhouse or building. The investigation shall require a physical assessment of the facilities, not a measurement of the air quality. The survey shall allow an evaluation of the following physical conditions that can impact air quality: general cleanliness, ventilation, moisture control, and chemical use and storage. The completed survey shall be filed after the annual inspection with the department of education, the local school board, and the local health officer. Survey responses shall remain on file for 5 years. Survey responses shall be reviewed during the 5 year school approval process and shall be a factor in the approval process for a public school.II. The department of education shall notify every public school in New Hampshire how to access the United States Environmental Protection Agency Tools for Schools program and shall encourage public schools to implement the program to help provide and maintain good indoor air quality in public school buildings.III. Any school principal or designee who has conducted a good faith report under RSA 200:11-a shall be immune from civil liability.