Section 198:40-f - [Effective 7/1/2025] Extraordinary Need GrantsI. In addition to aid for the cost of the opportunity for an adequate education provided under RSA 198:40-a, each year the commissioner shall calculate an extraordinary need grant for schools and provide that amount of aid to a municipality's school districts as follows: (a) A municipality with an equalized valuation per pupil eligible to receive a free or reduced-priced meal of $1,664,640 or less shall receive $11,500 per pupil eligible to receive a free or reduced-price meal in the municipality's ADMR.(b) A municipality with an equalized valuation per pupil eligible to receive a free or reduced-price meal between $1,664,641 and $6,866,639 shall receive a grant equal to $0.00221 for each dollar of difference between its equalized valuation per pupil eligible to receive a free or reduced-price meal and $6,866,640, per pupil eligible to receive a free or reduced-price meal in the municipality's ADMR.(c) A municipality with an equalized valuation per pupil eligible to receive a free or reduced-price meal of $6,866,640 or more shall not receive an extraordinary need grant.II. In this section:(a) The $1,664,640 in equalized valuation per free or reduced-price meal pupil referenced in RSA 198:40-f, I(a) shall be called the "grant floor."(b) The $6,866,640 in equalized valuation per free or reduced-price meal pupil referenced in RSA 198:40-f, I(b) and RSA 198:40-f, I(c) shall be called the "grant ceiling."(c) The $0.00221 for each dollar difference between equalized valuation per pupil eligible to receive a free or reduced-price meal referenced in RSA 198:40-f, I(b) shall be called the "factor."(d) The $11,500 per pupil eligible to receive a free or reduced-price meal referenced in RSA 198:40-f, I(a) shall be called the "max grant."III. Extraordinary need grants shall be distributed pursuant to RSA 198:42.IV. In this section, "equalized valuation per pupil eligible to receive a free or reduced-price meal" means a municipality's equalized valuation as determined by the department of revenue administration, that was the basis for the local tax assessment in the determination year, divided by the school district's kindergarten through grade 12 ADMR in the determination year eligible to receive a free or reduced-price meal.Amended by 2023, 79:154, eff. 7/1/2025.Amended by 2023, 79:153, eff. 7/1/2023.Added by 2022 , 318: 1, eff. 7/1/2022.This section is set out more than once due to postponed, multiple, or conflicting amendments.