Section 194-E:1 - Definitions In this section:
I. "Innovation school" means a school in which a local school board implements an innovation plan pursuant to RSA 194-E:2 with the approval of the state board.II. "Innovation school zone" means a group of schools of a school district or multiple school districts that share common interests, such as geographical location or educational focus, or that sequentially serve classes of students as they progress through elementary and secondary education and in which a local school board implements a plan for creating an innovation school zone pursuant to RSA 194-E:2 with the approval of the state board.III. "State board" means the state board of education established in RSA 21-N:10.Added by 2021 , 27: 1, eff. 7/5/2021. 2021, 27 : 1 , eff. July 5, 2021.