N.H. Rev. Stat. § 186-D:2
No fewer than 5 school districts, by resolution of their governing bodies and upon an affirmative vote of the inhabitants of each of the districts, may form an RSA 5-B special education cost recovery association under the laws of this state to develop and administer a risk management program for the purpose of recovering unanticipated costs of special education. The members of the association may agree to pool self-insurance reserves, risks, claims, losses, and the expenses of administrative services associated with them. Each district shall be represented by its superintendent, or designee. The members of the association shall elect a governing board from among the members. The RSA 5-B special education cost recovery association governing board shall consist of no fewer than 5 member superintendents, or designees, with diversity in terms of district size and geographic region represented. Each board member shall serve one 3-year term and may only serve one term in each 9 year period. The chairperson of the governing board shall be chosen by the board. Minutes of each meeting shall be kept and made available to the public. There shall be one 2-week period annually, to be decided by the governing board, when new districts shall be allowed to join the association.
RSA 186-D:2
2021, 209 : 2 , Pt. IV, Sec. 5, eff. Oct. 9, 2021.