Section 149-P:1 - Landowner's Right of ActionI. It is hereby declared to be in the public interest to encourage the preservation and conservation of the land, water, forest, agricultural, and wildlife resources of this state. It is also declared to be in the public interest to discourage and provide means for preventing the spoliation of such resources from the effects of illegal dumping, and to create rights in landowners to provide the means for obtaining such objectives. It is the intention of this chapter to create a landowner's right of action in support of these purposes.II. Notwithstanding any rules adopted by the department of environmental services, any ordinance adopted by a municipality, or any provision of law, any person, as defined in RSA 147-A:2I, XI, who without authorization, intentionally, recklessly, or negligently discharges, spills, releases, pollutes, disposes, dumps, leaks, injects, or places oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, motor oil, automotive oil, gasoline ethers, offensive matter, hazardous waste, waste, refuse, or solid waste as those terms are defined in RSA 146-A through RSA 149-O, upon the land of another, shall be liable to the owner of the land.III. Upon such discharge occurring, the owner of the land may:(a) Commence an action for the cost of cleanup and any such damages as may result from the discharge;(b) Seek injunctive relief enjoining any activity described in paragraph II, if such activity is imminent or likely;(c) Obtain a court order requiring the person causing the discharge to contain, clean up, and remediate the discharge at such person's expense;(d) Obtain multiple damages against the person causing the discharge of up to 3 times actual damages, based upon the degree of culpability, as determined by the trier of fact;(e) Obtain reasonable attorneys' fees and professional fees associated with the containment, cleanup, and remediation, and the seeking and obtaining relief and damages;(f) Require the person causing the discharge to provide a bond, or other assurances sufficient to cover the costs of containment, cleanup, and remediation, upon a showing by the owner that there is a reasonable likelihood of a judgment; and(g) Obtain an attachment, prejudgment attachment, or trustee process in accordance with RSA 511, RSA 511-A and RSA 512.IV.(a) This chapter shall only apply to discharges that are made directly upon the landowner's land and shall not apply to those discharges that originate from the land of another, including without limitation, discharges from any above ground or underground storage tank. However, this chapter shall not otherwise limit any other rights afforded a landowner for such discharges originating from the land of another.(b) For the purposes of this chapter, a landowner shall include any owner holding an entire, joint, fractional, mortgage, or other ownership interest in the land, but any separate claims made by more than one such owner shall be consolidated into a single action.(c) This chapter shall not apply to or benefit any owner holding an interest in the land making claim against any other owner holding an interest in the same land.(d) This chapter shall not apply to a discharge on a landowner's land, when the discharge results from a motor vehicle involved in a motor vehicle accident not originating on the landowner's land.(e) The rights and benefits conferred upon a landowner under this chapter shall not apply to any claim or claims against the state and its subdivisions.Added by 2016 , 278: 1, eff. 1/1/2017. 2016, 278 : 1 , eff. Jan. 1, 2017.