Section 149-I:14 - Correction of AssessmentsI. If any error is made in any assessment under RSA 149-:7I or RSA 149-:8I, it may be corrected by the mayor and aldermen by making an abatement and a new assessment, or either, as the case may require. The same lien, rights, liabilities and remedies shall attach to the new assessment as to the original.II. If any error is made in any assessment under RSA 149-:6-cI or RSA 149-:7I, it may be corrected by the governing body by making an abatement or a new assessment, or both. The same lien, rights, liabilities, and remedies shall attach to the new assessment as to the original.PS 79:6. PL 95 :9. RL 111:12. 1945, 188, part 22:13. RSA 252:15. 1981, 87:2. 1985, 110:3, eff. July 9, 1985. 2008, 295 : 10 , eff. Aug. 26, 2008.