- Section 137-J:5 - Scope and Duration of Agent's and Surrogate's Authority
- Section 137-J:6 - Requirement to Act in Accordance With Principal's Wishes and Best Interests
- Section 137-J:7 - Attending Practitioner and Health Care Provider's Responsibilities
- Section 137-J:8 - Restrictions on Who May Act as Agent or Surrogate
- Section 137-J:9 - Confidentiality and Access to Protected Health Information
- Section 137-J:10 - Criminal Act Not Construed or Authorized
- Section 137-J:11 - Liability for Health Care Costs
- Section 137-J:12 - Immunity
- Section 137-J:13 - Use of Statutory Forms
- Section 137-J:14 - Execution and Witnesses
- Section 137-J:15 - Revocation
- Section 137-J:16 - Documents Executed Prior to Enactment
- Section 137-J:17 - Reciprocity
- Section 137-J:18 - Naming of Multiple Agents
- Section 137-J:19 - Advance Directive; Disclosure Statement
- Section 137-J:20 - Advance Directive; Durable Power of Attorney and Living Will Forms
- Section 137-J:21 - Effect of Appointment of Guardian; Inconsistency
- Section 137-J:22 - Civil Action
- Section 137-J:23 - Penalty