Section 135-E:15 - Release of RecordsI. In order to protect the public, relevant information and records that are otherwise confidential or privileged shall be released to the agency with jurisdiction, to a multidisciplinary team, or to the county attorney or attorney general for the purpose of meeting the notice requirements of this chapter and determining whether a person is or continues to be a sexually violent predator. Restrictions on confidential or privileged communications pursuant to RSA 329:26, RSA 330-A:32, RSA 329-B, or any other statute establishing similar restrictions on confidential or privileged communications shall not apply to releases made under this chapter. A person, agency, or entity receiving information under this section which is confidential shall maintain the confidentiality of that information. Such information does not lose its confidential status due to its release under this section.II. Psychological or psychiatric reports, drug and alcohol reports, treatment records, medical records, pre-sentence investigative reports, or victim impact statements that have been submitted to the court or admitted into evidence under this chapter shall be part of the record but shall be sealed and may be opened only pursuant to a court order.III. A report of the multidisciplinary team shall be available to the public only after the court has determined that probable cause exists pursuant to RSA 135-E:7.Amended by 2012 , 233: 8, eff. 7/1/2013. 2006, 327 : 21 . 2007, 337 : 11 , 12. 2010, 287 : 7 . 2012, 233 : 8 , eff. July 1, 2013.