N.H. Rev. Stat. § 128:8
Within one year of appointment every health officer shall complete a minimum of 3 hours of training on topics related to the specific state laws that provide authority to health officers. The training shall be administered at no cost to the municipality by the department of health and human services in collaboration with the New Hampshire health officers association (NHHOA). The curriculum shall cover, but not be limited to, duties and responsibilities of the health officer as required on rental housing standards pursuant to RSA 48-A:3, I(c), assessment and management of health nuisances pursuant to RSA 147, and duties pursuant to RSA 128:5. The required training may be taken in person, or through a remote learning platform as provided by the department of health and human services. Municipalities shall cover reasonable costs of attending the NHHOA training subject to the provisions of RSA 129:1.
RSA 128:8
2021, 61:6, eff. June 4, 2021.