- Section 691C.010 - Definitions
- Section 691C.020 - "Closed-end credit" defined
- Section 691C.030 - "Collateral" defined
- Section 691C.040 - "Compensation" defined
- Section 691C.050 - "Credit agreement" defined
- Section 691C.060 - "Credit personal property insurance" defined
- Section 691C.070 - "Credit transaction" defined
- Section 691C.080 - "Creditor" defined
- Section 691C.090 - "Creditor-placed insurance" defined
- Section 691C.100 - "Debtor" defined
- Section 691C.110 - "Dual-interest insurance" defined
- Section 691C.120 - "Experience" defined
- Section 691C.130 - "Experience period" defined
- Section 691C.140 - "Finance charge" defined
- Section 691C.150 - "Gross debt" defined
- Section 691C.160 - "Identifiable charge" defined
- Section 691C.170 - "Incurred losses" defined
- Section 691C.180 - "Loss ratio" defined
- Section 691C.190 - "Net debt" defined
- Section 691C.200 - "Nonfiling insurance" defined
- Section 691C.210 - "Open-end credit" defined
- Section 691C.220 - "Reverse competition" defined
- Section 691C.230 - "Single-interest insurance" defined
- Section 691C.240 - Scope
- Section 691C.250 - Credit personal property insurance sold in conjunction with closed-end credit transaction: Insurer prohibited from issuing or selling certain insurance
- Section 691C.260 - Coverage
- Section 691C.270 - Insurer prohibited from requiring bundling of other credit insurance coverage with purchase of credit personal property insurance or using gross debt to determine premiums
- Section 691C.280 - Required disclosures
- Section 691C.290 - Offer to extend coverage for open-end credit transaction
- Section 691C.300 - Individual policy or certificate of insurance: Required as proof of insurance; contents; required statement for insurance related to open-end credit
- Section 691C.310 - Individual policy or certificate of insurance: Delivery
- Section 691C.320 - Policies, forms and schedules: Filing; approval; withdrawal of approval
- Section 691C.330 - Adoption of forms by regulation; election of use of forms by insurer
- Section 691C.340 - Insurer authorized to use rates established by Commissioner in lieu of filing rates; regulations
- Section 691C.350 - Approved rates: Period of effectiveness; timing of filing; filing of revised schedule of premium rates
- Section 691C.360 - Open-end credit transactions: Rating plan required to address certain expected variance; requirements for accounts
- Section 691C.370 - Report of credit personal property insurance by insurer: Filing; preparation
- Section 691C.380 - Transfers to unauthorized insurer
- Section 691C.390 - Refund of unearned premiums upon cancellation; approval of refund formula
- Section 691C.400 - Claims
- Section 691C.410 - Settlement or adjustment of claims
- Section 691C.420 - Denial of claim because debtor ineligible for coverage or misrepresented material fact; refund
- Section 691C.430 - Regulations
- Section 691C.440 - Administrative fines; revocation, suspension or limitation of license or certificate of authority