- Section 690B.400 - Definitions
- Section 690B.410 - "Driver" defined
- Section 690B.415 - "Monitored autonomous vehicle provider" defined
- Section 690B.420 - "Transportation network company" defined
- Section 690B.425 - "Transportation network company insurance" defined
- Section 690B.430 - "Transportation services" defined
- Section 690B.450 - Applicability
- Section 690B.460 - Required disclosures by transportation network companies to drivers
- Section 690B.470 - Transportation network company insurance: Minimum coverage requirements for drivers, transportation network companies and monitored autonomous vehicle providers; additional coverage; duties of insurer; payment of claims; transportation network company not deemed owner of vehicle
- Section 690B.480 - Insurer not required to offer transportation network company insurance; authority of insurer to offer transportation network company insurance and charge additional premium; rights of insurer excluding transportation network company insurance coverage
- Section 690B.490 - Required cooperation and sharing of information during investigation
- Section 690B.493 - Monitored autonomous vehicle required to contain evidence of coverage; provision of proof of coverage and certain disclosure to law enforcement and other party if vehicle involved in accident or motor vehicle crash
- Section 690B.495 - Driver required to carry evidence of coverage; required provision of proof of coverage and certain disclosure to law enforcement officer and party required if driver involved in accident or motor vehicle crash