For the national examination, in addition to the actual cost to the Board of the examination $100
For any other examination required pursuant to the provisions of subsection 1 of 641.180, in addition to the actual costs to the Board of the examination.............................................. 100
For the issuance of an initial license...................................................................... 25
For the issuance of an initial license by endorsement...................................... 125
For the biennial renewal of a license of a psychologist................................... 850
For the restoration of a license suspended for the nonpayment of the biennial fee for the renewal of a license 200
For the restoration of a license suspended for the nonsubmission of evidence to the Board of completion of the requirements for continuing education as required for the renewal of the license 200
For the registration of a firm, partnership or corporation which engages in or offers to engage in the practice of psychology........................................................................................................ 300
For the registration of a nonresident to practice as a consultant.................... 100
For the initial registration of a psychological assistant, psychological intern or psychological trainee 250
For the renewal of a registration of a psychological assistant, psychological intern or psychological trainee 150
NRS 641.228