- Section 575.080 - Definitions
- Section 575.120 - Declaration of average number, kind and classification of livestock and sheep
- Section 575.130 - Provision of declaration to owners of livestock or sheep; administrative penalty for failure to complete declaration
- Section 575.150 - Estimation of livestock and sheep owned by persons failing to return declarations; review of completed declarations to determine accuracy; changes; notification of changes and of right to challenge accuracy
- Section 575.160 - Exemption from tax if less than cost of collection
- Section 575.170 - Challenge of report as changed: Filing of statement; review; appeal to State Board of Agriculture
- Section 575.180 - Approval of report; copy; notification of change resulting from challenge of accuracy
- Section 575.185 - Maximum rate of tax; minimum tax; deposit in Livestock Inspection Account
- Section 575.190 - Calculation of total taxes due
- Section 575.200 - Billing of owners; failure to receive bill not excuse from payment
- Section 575.205 - Assessment of certain past due special taxes on specified livestock; penalty and interest for failure to pay such taxes; waiver or reduction of interest or penalty; disclosure of waiver or reduction; taxes, penalties and interest constitute lien until paid; inspection and other services not provided when certain special taxes delinquent
- Section 575.210 - Department to transmit revenue from taxes, penalties and interest to State Controller
- Section 575.220 - Report of certain delinquent taxes
- Section 575.230 - Payment of delinquent tax required for issuance of brand inspection clearance certificate; notification of collection