- Section 552.085 - Definitions
- Section 552.0851 - "Apiary" defined
- Section 552.0852 - "Appliance" defined
- Section 552.0853 - "Bees" defined
- Section 552.0854 - "Colony" defined
- Section 552.0855 - "Colony strength" defined
- Section 552.08555 - "Department" defined
- Section 552.08575 - "Director" defined
- Section 552.0858 - "Disease" defined
- Section 552.086 - "Hive" defined
- Section 552.0861 - "Inspector" defined
- Section 552.0862 - "Location" defined
- Section 552.095 - Control of apiary industry: Authority of Department; adoption of regulations; imposition and use of civil penalty
- Section 552.160 - Inspection of apiaries; order for destruction or treatment; quarantine; abatement of certain nuisances
- Section 552.170 - Abatement of nuisance for failure to comply with order for destruction or treatment
- Section 552.180 - Right of access of inspectors
- Section 552.190 - Duties of inspectors after inspections
- Section 552.205 - Colony strength: Establishment of standards; inspectors; certification; fees
- Section 552.212 - Importation of queens or other bees in screened cages without comb: Certificate of inspection; holding and destruction of bees
- Section 552.215 - Fees for inspections
- Section 552.230 - Bees to be kept in movable frame hives
- Section 552.240 - Concealment of disease or exposure of bees to disease unlawful
- Section 552.250 - Regulation of neglected or abandoned used hives or appliances
- Section 552.255 - Public nuisances: Declaration; abatement
- Section 552.260 - Extraction of honey
- Section 552.280 - Removal or distribution of diseased bees without permission unlawful
- Section 552.290 - Chapter supplemental to state law governing quarantines