- Section 534.010 - Definitions
- Section 534.0105 - "Aquifer" defined
- Section 534.011 - "Area of active management" defined
- Section 534.0115 - "Area of hydrologic effect" defined
- Section 534.012 - "Artesian well" defined
- Section 534.0125 - "Augmentation" defined
- Section 534.013 - "Domestic use" and "domestic purposes" defined
- Section 534.0135 - "Percolating waters" defined
- Section 534.014 - "Person" defined
- Section 534.0145 - "Project" defined
- Section 534.015 - "Recharged water" defined
- Section 534.0155 - "Storage account" defined
- Section 534.016 - "Stored water" defined
- Section 534.0165 - "Waste" defined
- Section 534.017 - "Well driller" defined
- Section 534.0175 - "Well drilling" and "drilling a well" defined
- Section 534.020 - Underground waters belong to public and are subject to appropriation for beneficial use; declaration of legislative intent
- Section 534.025 - Removal of underground waters to alleviate hazards caused by secondary recharge is beneficial use
- Section 534.030 - Administration by State Engineer: Petition by appropriators in basin; hearing in absence of petition; certain artesian water, underground aquifers and percolating water; advisory services of governing bodies of water districts and water conservation boards
- Section 534.035 - Groundwater boards: Establishment; number, appointment, terms and expenses of members; officers; meetings and quorum; duties; dissolution
- Section 534.037 - Groundwater management plan for basin designated as critical management area: Petition; hearing; approval or disapproval; judicial review; amendment; certain persons not required to comply; duties of State Engineer if perennial yield modified; review of results
- Section 534.039 - Perennial yield of basin designated as critical management area: Duty of State Engineer to affirm, modify and review
- Section 534.040 - Employment and compensation of well supervisor and assistants; levy, collection and distribution of special assessment; exception
- Section 534.050 - Permit to appropriate water required before sinking well in designated groundwater basin; requirements in undesignated areas; waivers; penalties
- Section 534.060 - Conditions for sinking wells; casings and appliances; repair of defective wells; liens; sealing of wells; use of abandoned wells to monitor groundwater
- Section 534.065 - Replacement well: Application to change place of diversion not required in certain circumstances; notice
- Section 534.070 - Waste of water from artesian well unlawful
- Section 534.080 - Appropriation of underground water for beneficial use from artesian, definable aquifer or percolating water: Acquisition of rights under chapter 533 of NRS; orders to desist; dates of priority
- Section 534.090 - Forfeiture and abandonment of rights
- Section 534.100 - Recognition of existing water rights; classification of water in definable aquifer or percolating water by State Engineer; adjudication of vested underground water rights
- Section 534.110 - Rules and regulations of State Engineer; statements and pumping tests; conditions of appropriation; designation of critical management areas; restrictions; limit to restrictions on domestic wells
- Section 534.120 - State Engineer authorized to make rules, regulations and orders when groundwater is being depleted in designated area; preferred uses of water; temporary permits to appropriate water; revocation of temporary permits; restrictions placed on appropriations of groundwater and certain domestic wells in area in which temporary permit issued
- Section 534.125 - State Engineer to file notice related to temporary permit
- Section 534.130 - State Engineer, assistants and Artesian Well Supervisor authorized to enter premises to investigate and carry out duties
- Section 534.140 - Well drillers: Annual licenses; fees; continuing education; regulations for well drilling; licensing by State Contractors' Board
- Section 534.1405 - Well drillers: Petition for review of criminal history to obtain license; requirements; fee; report
- Section 534.141 - Application for renewal of license must include certain information regarding state business license; grounds for denial of renewal
- Section 534.142 - [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. Section 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and restricting the professional, occupational and recreational licenses for child support arrearages and for noncompliance with certain processes relating to paternity or child support proceedings] Payment of child support: Statement by applicant for license to drill; grounds for denial of license; duty of State Engineer
- Section 534.144 - [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. Section 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and restricting the professional, occupational and recreational licenses for child support arrearages and for noncompliance with certain processes relating to paternity or child support proceedings] Suspension of license for failure to pay child support or comply with certain subpoenas or warrants; reinstatement of license
- Section 534.146 - [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. Section 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and restricting the professional, occupational and recreational licenses for child support arrearages and for noncompliance with certain processes relating to paternity or child support proceedings] Application for license to include social security number of applicant
- Section 534.150 - Well Drillers' Advisory Board: Appointment; terms of members; vacancies; compensation; duties
- Section 534.160 - License required to drill well; revocation of or refusal to reissue license; order to plug well; penalty for allowing unlicensed person to drill
- Section 534.170 - Well driller to keep log and records; contents; information to be furnished to State Engineer; report of test
- Section 534.180 - Applicability of chapter to wells used for domestic purposes; registration and plugging of wells used for domestic purposes; wells for accessory dwelling unit of single-family dwelling
- Section 534.185 - Waiver of certain requirements for domestic wells by State Engineer; exceptions
- Section 534.190 - Penalties
- Section 534.193 - Additional penalties
- Section 534.195 - Injunctive and other relief
- Section 534.250 - Project for recharge, storage and recovery of water: Permit required; issuance, contents, modification and assignment of permit; monitoring requirements
- Section 534.260 - Project for recharge, storage and recovery of water: Contents of application for permit
- Section 534.270 - Project for recharge, storage and recovery of water: Review of application for permit; notice of application; protests; hearing; determination; judicial review
- Section 534.280 - Project for recharge, storage and recovery of water: Annual report to State Engineer
- Section 534.290 - Project for recharge, storage and recovery of water: Permit for recovery well; recovery limited to designated wells; designation of person entitled to recover water; use or exchange of recovered water
- Section 534.300 - Project for recharge, storage and recovery of water: Storage account to be established; limit on amount of water recovered
- Section 534.310 - Project for recharge, storage and recovery of water: Annual fee for permit; disposition of money received by State Engineer; employment of consultants by State Engineer
- Section 534.320 - Project for recharge, storage and recovery of water: Revocation or suspension of permit; orders to cease and desist; injunction
- Section 534.330 - Project for recharge, storage and recovery of water: Penalties
- Section 534.340 - Project for recharge, storage and recovery of water: Designation of areas of active management
- Section 534.350 - Requirements for certain public water system to receive credits for addition of new customers to system
- Section 534.360 - Water Rights Technical Support Account: Creation; administration; uses