Chapter 494 - STATE AIRPORTS
- Section 494.010 - Short title
- Section 494.020 - Definitions
- Section 494.030 - Establishment, maintenance and operation of airports and air navigation facilities
- Section 494.048 - Fund for Aviation: Creation; administration by Director of Department of Transportation; investment of money; expenditure of money as grants; regulations; use and separate accounting of money; exception
- Section 494.050 - Power of State to acquire existing airports
- Section 494.060 - Coordination of air navigation facilities established by State with federal facilities
- Section 494.070 - Eminent domain: Payment of damages and costs of removal and relocation; jurisdiction of court
- Section 494.080 - Receipt and expenditure of money; contracts with United States and public agencies
- Section 494.090 - State may contract for use or improvements of state airports and air navigation facilities; terms; conditions
- Section 494.100 - Agent or lessee may operate state airport; limitations
- Section 494.110 - Power to enter into necessary contracts
- Section 494.120 - Agreements for joint action by State and public agencies; contents of agreement
- Section 494.130 - Actions declared to be public and governmental functions
- Section 494.140 - Incidental powers
- Section 494.150 - Provisions of chapter do not limit State's power to regulate airport hazards
- Section 494.160 - Uniformity of interpretation and construction of chapter