- Section 451.010 - Dissection of dead human bodies: Limitations; penalty
- Section 451.015 - Commercial use of aborted embryo or fetus prohibited; penalty
- Section 451.020 - Burial or cremation within reasonable time after death; transportation and disposal of residue of cremated body
- Section 451.023 - Responsibility of surviving spouse or parent for burial or cremation of deceased spouse or child
- Section 451.024 - Persons authorized to order burial or cremation; order of priority of such persons; acceptance of legal and financial responsibility does not give rise to claim against estate or other person; transfer of authority to another person; unavailability of authorized person
- Section 451.025 - Reimbursement for burial expenses paid with public money
- Section 451.027 - Duty of county agency responsible for remains of indigent person believed to be veteran to report name of person to Department of Veterans Services; Department to determine eligibility for interment at national or veterans' cemetery; disposition of remains; immunity from liability for certain acts or omissions
- Section 451.030 - Removal of remains for sale or dissection; purchases; punishment
- Section 451.040 - Seizure of remains for debt; interference with dead body; penalty
- Section 451.045 - Permit for disinterment or removal of human remains within State
- Section 451.050 - Permit for disinterment or removal of human remains out of State
- Section 451.060 - Penalties for noncompliance of common carrier
- Section 451.065 - Unlawful to require remains to be embalmed or otherwise prepared before disposition; exceptions; penalty
- Section 451.067 - Designation of family cemetery; notification of Division of Public and Behavioral Health of designation