If I should have an incurable and irreversible condition that, without the administration of life-sustaining treatment, will, in the opinion of my attending physician or attending advanced practice registered nurse, cause my death within a relatively short time, and I am no longer able to make decisions regarding my medical treatment, I appoint ............................... or, if he or she is not reasonably available or is unwilling to serve, .............................., to make decisions on my behalf regarding withholding or withdrawal of treatment that only prolongs the process of dying and is not necessary for my comfort or to alleviate pain, pursuant to NRS 449A.400 to 449A.481, inclusive. (If the person or persons I have so appointed are not reasonably available or are unwilling to serve, I direct my attending physician or attending advanced practice registered nurse, pursuant to those sections, to withhold or withdraw treatment that only prolongs the process of dying and is not necessary for my comfort or to alleviate pain.)
Strike language in parentheses if you do not desire it.
If you wish to include this statement in this declaration, you must INITIAL the statement in the box provided:
Withholding or withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration may result in death by starvation or dehydration. Initial this box if you want to receive or continue receiving artificial nutrition and hydration by way of the gastrointestinal tract after all other treatment is withheld pursuant to this declaration.
[............................................ ]
Signed this ........................ day of ................, ......
Signature .........................................................
Address ...........................................................
The declarant voluntarily signed this writing in my presence.
Witness ............................................................
Address ...........................................................
Witness ............................................................
Address ...........................................................
Name and address of each designee.
Name ...............................................................
Address ...........................................................
NRS 449A.439