- Section 392.010 - Admission of pupil from adjoining state or district; payment of tuition for pupil attending school in adjoining district or state; agreement for payment of tuition, transportation and other costs
- Section 392.015 - Admission of pupil from Indian reservation in school nearest pupil's residence; reimbursement for additional costs of transportation; exceptions
- Section 392.016 - Admission of pupil with lawfully issued fictitious address
- Section 392.017 - Regulations concerning school choice for pupils enrolled in persistently dangerous school and for pupils who are victims of violent offense while at school
- Section 392.0175 - Regulations concerning enrollment of certain persons in courses for adult to earn high school diploma
- Section 392.018 - Written notice of certain courses, services and educational programs available to pupils within school district; posting and distribution at public schools
- Section 392.025 - Grade given to pupil by teacher: Restriction on change by board of trustees
- Section 392.029 - Compliance with federal law governing access and confidentiality of education records and elicitation of information concerning pupils; written notice of rights to adult pupils and parents and guardians required; provision of education records upon request of agency which provides child welfare services; penalty
- Section 392.033 - Regulations prescribing requirements for promotion to high school; effect of failure to comply; evaluation of course of study or credits of pupil who transfers from junior high or middle school; placement on academic probation; enrollment of homeschooled children in high school
- Section 392.035 - Formula for determining mobility of pupils in school; Department to distribute form for submitting information necessary to formula