- Section 293C.355 - Applicability of provisions
- Section 293C.356 - Issuance of ballots; voting booth for use by persons issued ballots
- Section 293C.3561 - City clerk to establish criteria for selection of permanent and temporary polling places for early voting by personal appearance
- Section 293C.3564 - Establishment of permanent polling places for early voting; eligible voters may vote by personal appearance at any polling place for early voting
- Section 293C.3568 - Period for early voting; days and hours for early voting at permanent polling places
- Section 293C.3572 - Establishment of temporary branch polling places for early voting and ballot drop boxes; establishment within Indian reservation or colony; days and hours for early voting; legal rights and remedies of property owners or lessors not affected by presence of such polling places
- Section 293C.3576 - Schedule of locations and days and hours for early voting; limitations on establishment of additional locations; extension of hours after publication of schedule
- Section 293C.358 - Appointment of deputy clerks
- Section 293C.3583 - Preparation of mechanical recording devices before polls open each day
- Section 293C.3585 - Procedure for early voting
- Section 293C.3594 - Security precautions
- Section 293C.3604 - Mechanical recording devices: Duties of election board at close of each voting day; duties of ballot board for early voting and city clerk at close of last voting day
- Section 293C.3606 - Returns; secrecy of ballots; disseminating information about count of returns before polls close prohibited; penalty
- Section 293C.3608 - City clerk to ensure that mechanical recording devices used for early voting provide record of number of votes; delivery of records and storage devices to central counting place
- Section 293C.361 - Electioneering prohibited near polling place; penalty