- Section 284.406 - Policy concerning use of alcohol or drugs by state employees
- Section 284.4061 - Definitions
- Section 284.4062 - Employee who consumes or is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or who possesses controlled substance on duty is subject to disciplinary action; state agency required to refer certain employees to employee assistance program; regulations
- Section 284.4063 - Grounds for disciplinary action: Failure to notify supervisor after consuming certain drugs; failure or refusal to submit to screening test; failure of screening test; regulations
- Section 284.4064 - Appointing authority authorized to require employee who has consumed drug to obtain clearance from physician; inquiry regarding use of alcohol or drug by employee; preventing employee from continuing work
- Section 284.4065 - Screening tests: General provisions
- Section 284.4066 - Screening tests: Applicants for positions affecting public safety required to take screening test; appointing authority required to consider results; provision of results to applicant upon request; appointing authority required to provide certain results to Administrator; regulations
- Section 284.4067 - Screening tests: Requirements for administration; use; results
- Section 284.4068 - Screening tests: Results confidential; admissibility of results; maintenance of results; disclosure
- Section 284.4069 - Training for supervisors
- Section 284.407 - Regulations