- Section 281.5555 - Short title
- Section 281.556 - Definitions
- Section 281.558 - "Candidate" defined
- Section 281.55805 - "Declaration of candidacy" defined
- Section 281.5581 - "Domestic partner" defined
- Section 281.5582 - "Domestic partnership" defined
- Section 281.5583 - "Educational or informational meeting, event or trip" defined
- Section 281.5584 - "Financial disclosure statement" and "statement" defined
- Section 281.5585 - "Gift" defined
- Section 281.5586 - "Interested person" defined
- Section 281.5587 - "Member of the public officer's or candidate's household" defined
- Section 281.5588 - Secretary of State to provide for electronic filing of financial disclosure statements; date on which statement deemed filed
- Section 281.559 - Electronic filing by certain appointed public officers; exceptions
- Section 281.561 - Electronic filing by certain candidates and certain elected public officers; exceptions
- Section 281.571 - Contents
- Section 281.572 - Affidavit for exemption from requirement of electronic filing; nonelectronic filing of statement
- Section 281.573 - Retention by Secretary of State
- Section 281.574 - Certain public officers required to submit electronically to Secretary of State list of public officers required to file statement and candidates
- Section 281.5745 - Administration and interpretation of provisions; regulations; coordination with Director of Legislative Counsel Bureau regarding Nevada Lobbying Disclosure and Regulation Act
- Section 281.581 - Civil penalty for failure to disclose: Procedure; amount; waiver