Nev. Rev. Stat. § 119A.360
For each application for the registration of a representative........................ $100
For each renewal of the registration of a representative.................................. 100
For each transfer of the registration of a representative to a different developer 25
For each penalty for a late renewal of the registration of a representative..... 75
For each preliminary permit to sell time shares................................................ 400
For each initial permit to sell time shares....................................................... 1,500
For each amendment to a statement of record after the issuance of the permit to sell time shares, where no new component sites are added.............................................................................. 200
For each amendment to a statement of record after the issuance of the permit to sell time shares, where one or more new component sites are added, not including the addition of units to a component site previously permitted............................................................................................................................. 500
For each annual renewal of a permit to sell time shares with only one component site 750
For each annual renewal of a permit to sell time shares with more than one component site 1,500
For each initial registration of a time-share resale broker............................... 300
For each renewal of the registration of a time-share resale broker................ 150
For each original and annual registration of a manager................................... 100
For each application for an original license as a sales agent.......................... 200
For each renewal of a license as a sales agent................................................... 200
For each penalty for a late renewal of a license as a sales agent.................... 100
For each registration of a time share exchange company................................ 500
For each conversion to an abbreviated registration....................................... 7,500
For each change of name or address of a licensee or status of a license......... 25
For each duplicate license, permit or registration where the original is lost or destroyed, and an affidavit is made thereof............................................................................................................................... 25
For each annual approval of a course of instruction offered in preparation for an original license or permit 150
For each original accreditation of a course of continuing education............. 150
For each renewal of accreditation of a course of continuing education.......... 75
For the purposes of calculating the amount of the fee payable under this subsection, "time share" means the right to use and occupy a unit for 7 days or more per calendar year.
NRS 119A.360